Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Dernières publications

--> Url version détaillée , Url version formatée Structure name contains or id is : "409065;155441;135971;102266;212248;578082", Publication type : "('ART')"
Microplastic in combined sewer networks: from sewer deposit to combined sewer overflows
Minh Trang Nguyen, Rachid Dris, Sabrina Guérin-Rechdaoui, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2025, 12, pp.107-115
Study of plastic debris and anthropogenic fibres during transient events: rain events in urban areas
Robin Treilles, Johnny Gasperi, Rachid Dris, Mohamed Saad, Romain Tramoy, Alain Rabier, Aurélie Cayla, Jérôme Breton, Bruno Tassin
, 2025, 12, pp.123-140
Improving monitoring of dissolved organic matter from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving environment: A new high-frequency in situ fluorescence sensor capable of analyzing 29 pairs of Ex/Em wavelengths
Angélique Goffin, Gilles Varrault, Nadège Musabimana, Antoine Raoult, Metehan Yilmaz, Sabrina Guérin-Rechdaoui, Vincent Rocher
, 2025, 325, pp.125153. ⟨10.1016/j.saa.2024.125153⟩
arcMS: transformation of multi-dimensional high-resolution mass spectrometry data to columnar format for compact storage and fast access
Julien Le Roux, Julien Sade
, 2024, 4 (1), ⟨10.1093/bioadv/vbae160⟩
Litter in French urban areas—part 1: composition, sources, and spatio-temporal variations on urban surfaces
Lauriane Ledieu, Romain Tramoy, David Mabilais, Sophie Ricordel, Zoé Bridant, Eric Bouchet, Clémence Bruttin, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-35203-8⟩


Membre de

C-StaRRE 4.0 research project : 6 December 2023

par Daniel Thevenot - publié le

Closing seminar of the C-StaRRE 4.0 research project of the AURA « Auvergne Rhône Alpes » region 2021-2023 - PAI 2020

C-StaRRE 4.0 : From Sewerage network to Water Resource Recovery Facility : new digital tools for management - Wednesday 6th December 2023 – LYON - FRANCE

This seminar is funded by the AURA « Auvergne Rhône Alpes » region and organised by Claire Valentin and Christian Jallut, LAGEPP.

It will take place on the “LyonTech La Doua” Campus at CPE Grand Council room (2nd floor above the entrance hall), 3 Rue Victor Grignard, Villeurbanne.

Registration is free but mandatory

The registration deadline is 21/11/2023

Workshop programme (PDF)

Marcello SERAO will represent Leesu at this workshop and give an oral presentation entitled :

WP3 : Marcello Serrao, LEESU (ENPC) / modelEAU (ULaval) / SIAAP / W-SMART, Paris, France :
“Contribution of AI to models for predicting the behavior of wastewater treatment plants for
nitrogen removal by biofiltration”

Voir en ligne : Closing seminar of the C-StaRRE 4.0 research project : Registration